This artwork, crafted by Betha in 2008, achieved recognition as a Davao City Region laureate in the prestigious MADE (Metro Bank Art and Design Excellence) Competition of the same year. The poignant painting captures a period of upheaval and uncertainty in Betha's life. During this time, her family grappled with significant challenges: her mother's stroke necessitated constant care, her father battled a debilitating skin condition affecting the entire family, and her sibling Margaret, close in age, was afflicted by Multiple Sclerosis. Against a backdrop of limited resources and heightened emotions within their household, Betha channeled these experiences into a vibrant composition created for the competition.

The painting portrays a submerged, verdant world symbolic of the illnesses that beset her family, intertwined with the personal growth she underwent, emerging as a woman of spiritual fortitude. The inverted jars in the background represent how contained emotions find release in circumstances beyond one's control. The bubbles within the water encapsulate past pains and trials that gradually surface, allowing for catharsis and eventual release. The coral at the base signifies elements in life that may appear enticing from afar but upon closer inspection reveal their sharp and hazardous nature, cautioning against direct engagement.

The fish depicted symbolizes exploration and the wandering thoughts that traverse the mind during times of turmoil. The toilet/chair serves as a poignant depiction of the solitary refuge Betha sought for reflection and prayer within the confines of a cramped two-room household shared with eight family members, underscoring the significance of finding solace amid adversity. The scattered open books allude to areas of incomplete knowledge, as Betha's educational pursuits were prematurely interrupted by familial responsibilities that demanded her attention and care.

Noteworthy are the four temples illustrated in the painting, with three standing abandoned in favor of a towering central edifice. The forsaken temples represent ideologies or ways of life that falter under life's trials, contrasting with the central Strong Tower symbolizing a steadfast connection with God that offers a stable vantage point for introspection and clarity amidst life's challenges, devoid of distortion or opacity.


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